Inourbeginnercourses/psychomotricityI-thechildrencollectexperiencesinthewater,practicetheirfirstswimmingmovementsand strengthentheircoordinativeabilities.Intheprocessofacoursetheswimmingaidsarereduced;thechildrenpracticefirstfreeswimming strokes.Coursescalled"psychomotor"haveanintegrativecharacterandarealsosuitableforchildrenwithmildtomoderatedisabilities.The beginner groups are designed for swimming training and rather not suitable for children with at least moderate impairments.The acceptance of swimming badges (possibly seahorses) takes place by appointment in Friedrichsdorf or Schmitten.Further information on the swimming pools and their availability can be found HERE.To book a course (we recommend that you reserve a place in advance), simply click on the course you wish to book. You will then arrive at our booking form. The bar below the course details gives you information about free places.Pleasenotethatreservedspacescanbebookedevenifthescalesaysthattherearenomoreseatsavailable(scaleonred).Detailed informationsforregistrationyoucanfindunderREGISTRATION.Underthekeyword APPOINTMENTyoucanfindthespecialopeninghours for registration in our office. Information to the number of participants of a course you can find under COURSE SIZE.
Display of available spacemore than 3 available spaces1-3 available spacestaken (if so, waiting list bookable)not bookable