Early swimmer badge Seahorse1.Jump from the poolside and swim for 25 m2.Pick up a subject with hands in shoulder-deep waterPirate1.100 m technical correct breast stroke2.5 m distance diving and pick up a subject at the end from minimum 1 m deep water Variaty badge Seal Trixie1.25 m breast stroke2.25 m backstroke or front crawl3.15 m dribble with ball in water4.header forward5.7 m distance diving6.roll one time in water forward, backward or sidewardGerman youth swimming badge - Bronze - (Free swimmer)1.jump from poolside and minimum 200 m swimming in maximum 15 Minuten2.dive one time from water surface into ca. 2 m deep water and pick up a subject3.jump or starting dive from 1 m heigh4.knowledge of swimming rulesGerman youth swimming badge - Silver - (Fahrten swimmer)- partly of the acceptance test only external possible -1.startingdiveandminimum400mswimminginmaximum25minutes;n;therefrom: 300 m in face-down position and 100 m in supine position2.dive two times from water surface into ca. 2 m deep water and pick up a subject3.10 m distance diving4.jump from 3 m Heigh5.knowledge of swimming rules and self-rescueGerman youth swimming badge - Gold - (Youth swimmer)- partly of the acceptance test only external possible -1.600 m swimming in maximum 25 Minuten2.50 m breast stroke in maximum 70 seconds3.25 m front crawl4.50 m back stroke with frog legs move without arm activity or 50 m back stroke5.15 m distance diving6.deepdivingfromwatersurfaceandpickup3littleringsfromca.2metresdeepwithin3minutesand maximum 3 attempts7.jump from 3 m heigh8.50 m transportation swimming: pushing or dragging9.proof of following knowledges:10.- Swimming rules11.- Aid for swimming, boot and ice accidents (self-rescue and basic alien-rescue)
Requirements of swimming badge
other badges:Inadditiontherearemoreswimmingbadgesinside andoutsideofDSV.Beneaththisaree.g.theGerman SwimmingBadgesinBronze,SilverorGold.The requirementsaresimilarwiththeYouthSwimming Badges.TheBronzeandSilverbadgescanbemade by us. All others must be made somewhere else.
InallofourswimmingcoursesandtherapygroupscanacquirethecommonswimmingbadgesofGermanSwimmingUnion,DeutschSchwimmverband(DSV).It’s not possible to make an acceptance test in every pool. For a better overview, we make a summary for the requirements for swimming badges.