Water temperatur Hotel Kurhaus Ochs: 27-29° Cseasonal dependence; reffered to information of operator
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At Ringhotel Kurhaus Ochs in Schmitten we currently offer the following courses from 4 years on:Beginner group, Seahorse group, Pirate group, Single therapy and Double therapy.Detailed information to therapy pool and accessibility you can find HERE.The acceptance test for the following swimming badges is possible:Seahorse, Pirate and Seal Trixie.To book a course (we recommend that you reserve a place in advance), simply click on the course you wish to book.Youwillthenarriveatourbookingform.Thebarbelowthecoursedetailsgivesyouinformationaboutfreeplaces.Pleasenotethatreserved spacescanbebookedevenifthescalesaysthattherearenomoreseatsavailable(scaleonred).Detailedinformationsforregistrationyou willfindunderREGISTRATION.UnderthekeywordAPPOINTMENTyoucanfindthespecialopeninghoursforregistrationinouroffice. Information to the number of participants of a course you can find under COURSE SIZE.